Mar 20, 2010

Agriculture business is the best solution of poverty elevation,if we implement very soon...!!

"India is the 7th largest country in geographical level and 2nd largest country in population wise and 12th largest country in economic wise ."
Today we had a great session on agriculture, natural gas & cloud computing etc. by Chief Mentor Sandeep Manudhane {PROTON business school,Indore } the magazine "The economist". I wrote a blog on Agriculture for its opportunity & problems in India in this sector.As sir told us that China started its success path of revolutionary by growth in agriculture first, second revolution of industry & in future concentrate on service sector.

But in India first biggest revolutionary of industry from 1990's then service's & in future would be agriculture revolution. China controlled there poverty first then went for development.So for removing the poverty, we have to concentrate on agriculture advancement then we can think of supper power.

As we all know that more than 65 % of population of India living in villages, they basically depend there livelihood on agriculture & related to it.But science Independence of 60's years we are not well self-sufficient as good as other countries. Might be government providing lots of subsidies to the farmers.We could not forget the Mr. swami Nathan, who improved somehow the condition of agriculture.
As given in The Economist that politicians only taking the credit of enormous population in rural is only for "There vote note for the Growth". Ashok Gulat of the International Food Policy Research Institute points out that an additional spent on agriculture research yields 9.5 rupee output compared to .85 rupees of output on spent on subsidies.

India also a 2nd-biggest exporter of cotton & 3rd -biggest producers of potatoes in the world. As given an example of McDonald's (first entered in India 1996) :for fries, supply chain begins with 2000 acres of potato fields in Gujarat cultivated by 400 farmers under contract with McChain Foods. Other examples are :Nestle, Unilever, schreber International & Pepsi starting doing business with Dynamix Dairy In India.
So now I am going to summarize & some suggestion from my side,for the betterment in the agriculture:-
  • Maximum use of new technology & new Technic of farming.
  • Maximum utilization of irrigation in farming field & if possible by dropping way
  • Use of hybrid seeds which gives thrice of productivity as of now in same field as in other country.
  • Increasing the Investment of private companies according to govt. rule in agriculture
  • Make more Dams & rivers to minimize the problems of irrigation
  • There should be Time-To-Time (T.T.T.) training school for the illiterate farmers
  • Give the good value of crops to the farmers
  • There should be good consulting firms & talented doctors for the specific crop.
  • Government should give the agricultural instruments in compare of Monterey subsidies
  • To motivate the youth to utilize there interest & skill in related field of agriculture

After reading the blog gave some valuable feedback & motivation to the employ... comment on the sake

Mar 13, 2010

Natural birth ratio of girls & boys,but changed due to traditional consideration...!

Sex determination tests are illegal in India, but many parents -especially in rural areas still bribe to the doctors to check out their child's gender and to carry out an abortion if it is a girl. In India boys would be as a mainilly traditionally known as the bread-winer of the family. whereas girls mainly are considered a financial burden because their families must pay dowries to get the married.

As a result, the natural birth ratio of boys to girls – about 105 to 100. But in China and northern India, the ratio is now about 120 to 100. In some Chinese provinces the ratio is 130 to 100. In some places, the ratio for a third child has reached an incredible 200 to 100.

In China, the main problem seems to be the one child policy. Parents can only have one child, so many are very motivated to make that child a son. The quickest way to solve this would be to drop the policy. Also, the one child policy will cause economic problems later on, as China will have a large old population and a small young population. Thus, dropping the policy would be best.

I read an article in "The Economist" where whole issue of Gendercide discussed nicely & factfully.All the facts mentioned in that article were shows that if Indian & China's common people & government would not any fast & strict action the situation could be a worsen in the future .

“All countries need to raise the value of girls. They should encourage female education; abolish laws and customs that prevent daughters inheriting property; make examples of hospitals and clinics with impossible sex ratios; get women engaged in public life—using everything from television newsreaders to women traffic police.”

Toll of shame

50m: number of girls that Unicef estimates are ‘missing’ from Indian society

1.05: males to every female in India, reversing the world average

600: rupees now, save 50,000 rupees later” is the advertising slogan of diagnostic teams with ultrasound machines that predict the sex of the unborn child

£18,000: can be the price of a wedding and dowry. Girls are killed because of the financial burden they place on their families

9.6m: more boys aged between 0-14 than girls

1949: Year when Indian women were granted full suffrage

54: per cent turnout of women voters in 2004 election, 62 per cent among men

10m: number of female foetuses aborted since ultrasound scanning was first used 20 years ago

1994: Year when scanning to find out gender was made illegal. It is widely ignored

0: the number of cases that have come to court

24.9 median age for men and women

In my view there are some ways of balancing this sex ratio by:

1)To educate the population

2)To give more & more opportunity to the girls in every field

3)In rural areas, provide the jobs of services sector

4)Change in the thought process who are be bind by traditional views.

5) Campaign in every society for the value of the girl child.

Mar 10, 2010

The Value of "Time Management"

Time is the scarcest resource of the manager if it not managed ,nothing else can be managed ."
-Peter F.Drucker
In my view in every one's life, time management is very crucial because only by doing time management activity many of us had done well & would do well in the future. So, learning this trick could create a lot's of difference in our success.
This is my first blog before committal to writing to blog I thought a lot about the topic,but spent a lot of time.At last,I thought time management is also a primary thing for doing any task.
In my opinion some steps to time management :-
1.We had to do the things in a organized manner & with an effective way.
2.Like a when you are traveling we can utilize it by listening to music or reading book according to interest.
3. Just start what you have to do, not to think of doing latter, because some time we only waste a lots of time that should we do or not.
4.Sleeping too long reduces your working time in a day.
5.What you have the time(might be a break time or waiting for the train etc.) made it best one of doing right things.
"Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness."
-Jean De La Bruyere
The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.”
-Franklin Field

"Take care of minutes & the hours will take care of themselves."
-Lord Chesterfield

Time =Life
"Time once gone never will come back,so do the best & get the best."
-Satyawan Maalhan

Mar 9, 2010

"Time is the scarcest resource of the manager if it not managed ,nothing else can be managed ."
-Peter F.Drucker

In my view in every one's life time management is very crucial .Because only by this activity many of us did well & will do well. This is my first blog before writing this a had thought a lot only for the good topic to write but spent a lot of time. I thought time management is also a primary thing for doing any task.

In my opinion some steps to time management :-

1.Sleeping too long reduces your working time in a day. If you sleep 7 hours while you can actually sleep enough with 6 hours, you waste one precious hour each day. In one week, that will be 7 hours (can be more if you sleep longer in the weekend!). Imagine what you can do with that 7 hours! You can read new books, watch inspiring videos, or build your own business, all by not oversleeping.
2. When you are traveling we can utilize it by listening to music or reading book according to interest.
3. Just start what you have to do, not to think of doing latter. because some time we only waste a lots of time that should we do or not.
4. What you have the time made it best one of doing right things.

"Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness."

Jean De La Bruyere

The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.”
-Franklin Field

"Take care of minutes & the hours will take care of themselves."
-Lord Chesterfield

Time =Life