Mar 10, 2010

The Value of "Time Management"

Time is the scarcest resource of the manager if it not managed ,nothing else can be managed ."
-Peter F.Drucker
In my view in every one's life, time management is very crucial because only by doing time management activity many of us had done well & would do well in the future. So, learning this trick could create a lot's of difference in our success.
This is my first blog before committal to writing to blog I thought a lot about the topic,but spent a lot of time.At last,I thought time management is also a primary thing for doing any task.
In my opinion some steps to time management :-
1.We had to do the things in a organized manner & with an effective way.
2.Like a when you are traveling we can utilize it by listening to music or reading book according to interest.
3. Just start what you have to do, not to think of doing latter, because some time we only waste a lots of time that should we do or not.
4.Sleeping too long reduces your working time in a day.
5.What you have the time(might be a break time or waiting for the train etc.) made it best one of doing right things.
"Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness."
-Jean De La Bruyere
The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.”
-Franklin Field

"Take care of minutes & the hours will take care of themselves."
-Lord Chesterfield

Time =Life
"Time once gone never will come back,so do the best & get the best."
-Satyawan Maalhan


  1. The topic u have chosen is really great,it simply but practically only few people are able to manage their own time.If u can learn the art of time management, u will be the best in any role whether an employee,businessman,student,housewife,sportsperson etc.Good job Satyawan.

  2. Thank you Avinash,suraj for comment on my blog. Surj, I motivated by your insightful reply & encouraged for the future job.

  3. Good topic choosen by you. your blog remind me prioritising my tesks. keep updating us with insightfull topics.

  4. hiiiii satywan the topic choosen by u is gud but u have to take it deeply.....means ur msg shouldn't be limited to friend circle only.....u have 2 put it through all over

    wish u a bright future man!!!!

  5. Thank shavarn & vinod for reading my blog & also for the valuable feed back.....!!!!!!

  6. Hi..Time Management ..this is nice blog Satyawan ..,as u said this is your first blog so really good to start & keep it up. As u said that if we manage the time we would not face any problem of scarcity of time.I know that you also managing time properly which is a good part for you also.
    You had mentioned good points as well as cots. I am very happy that you had started such a nice think of writing blogs.
    *Best of luck*
    Mandeep Khrab,marchant Navy
